Awesome IT 2025
Crime and the digital world
April 18th 2025
Science Park 904On the 18th of April 2025, the thirteenth edition of Awesome IT will be held. Join us for a day of informative and inspiring talks from experts in a wide range of IT-related fields.
Click on a name on the left for more information about a speaker
Bas van den Brink

Bas is a consultant on the Forensic Technology team at KPMG and a licensed private investigator. During his time with KPMG, he has participated in forensic investigations for both large corporate and government clients, specializing in the technical facets of eDiscovery. He holds a Bachelor's degree in Artificial Intelligence and a Master's degree in Information Science, both from the University of Amsterdam
Talk: Finding digital evidence through eDiscovery
In today's digital age, forensic investigations frequently encompass a significant digital component, necessitating the examination of vast datasets to unearth critical evidence. During this talk we will look into the methodologies employed to tackle these challenges using the Electronic Discovery Reference Model (EDRM). We will explore the various tools utilized throughout the investigative process and discuss the integration and impact of Artificial Intelligence
Meike Kombrink
Nederlands Forensisch Instituut
Talk: TBD
Stijn van Lierop

Stijn van Lierop is a forensic data scientist at the Evidence Evaluation and Statistics team of the Netherlands Forensic Institute. He is currently doing a PhD at the AI4Forensics lab of the University of Amsterdam focusing on the development of methods for the detection of deepfakes and synthetic media in forensic casework. He holds a master's degree in Artificial Intelligence from Radboud University and a master's degree in Forensic Science from the University of Amsterdam.
Talk: Is it real or not? Deepfakes and GenAI
Deepfakes and synthetic media can be used to create and manipulate evidence as well as commit or facilitate criminal activities. As generative models continue to evolve and become increasingly accessible to the public, the development of methods that can distinguish between real and synthetic media is therefore also becoming more important. In this talk we will look into some recent advancements in AI-based detection of deepfakes and synthetic media, providing an overview of the current state-of-the-art techniques. We will discuss how advanced machine learning models, such as transformers and deep neural networks are employed for deepfake detection, and examine the strategies used to enhance detection accuracy and performance. In addition to discussing progress in the field, we will address the remaining challenges, including generalizability, robustness, computational costs of methods and evasion strategies.
Laura Pavias
Openbaar Ministerie
Talk: TBD
Barend Frans

Barend zet zich al sinds 1987 in voor een veiliger Nederland. Na tien jaar op straat als agent, dook hij de digitale wereld in – een wereld waarin hij sinds 1997 bijna alle denkbare functies binnen de politie heeft vervuld. Maar één ding is altijd hetzelfde gebleven: de burger staat voorop.
Zijn missie? Nederland digitaal veiliger en bewuster maken. Niet alleen, maar samen met partners, gebaseerd op wederzijds vertrouwen en maatschappelijke verantwoordelijkheid. Want de politie kan veel, maar niet alles. Barend gelooft in de kracht van samenwerking – samen staan we sterker in de strijd tegen digitale dreigingen!
Talk: Achter de schermen bij Team Digitale Opsporing en het Cybercrimeteam [Dutch only]
Barend neemt je mee in de wereld van het Team Digitale Opsporing. Wat gebeurt er achter de schermen? En zijn cybercriminelen echt slimmer dan de politie, zoals vaak wordt gezegd?
Ontdek hoe een team van IT-specialisten zich dagelijks inzet om Nederland (digitaal) veiliger te maken. Barend laat zien aan welke onderzoeken zij werken en hoe cybercrime-teams complexe zaken aanpakken. Welke kennis en expertise komt daarbij kijken? Duik mee in de fascinerende wereld van digitale opsporing en cybercriminaliteit!
Domain: TDB
Lukas Snoek & Nils Hulzebosch
Dutch Police
Talk: TDB
Domain: TDB
Click or tap on a talk for more information.
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Walk-in09:30 - 10:10
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Plenary Welcome10:10 - 10:30
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First break11:30 - 11:50
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Lunch12:50 - 13:50
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Second break14:50 - 15:10
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Plenary Closing16:10 - 16:20
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Drinks16:20 - 17:30
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